Quantitative Research & Analysis
With the team of 4 students I administered a Quantitative Research where students of Rochester Institute of Technology were surveyed for their overall satisfaction of the school's job portal "RIT JobZonel". This study was aimed at understanding the general perception of Jobzone among the students of RIT and to observe if "JobZone" is able to serve its purpose by establishing a link between the students and the employers.
My Role
Design the structure of an online Survey form
Reaching out to the interested students of RIT to get the surveys filled.
Designing the ordinal, cardinal and nominal questions
Conducting Descriptive analysis
Conducting Chi-square analysis
Writing the paper
Team Meetings facilitator
A survey was designed to collect the quantitative and general perception of participants. As many as 50 participants filled out the survey. The survey included ordinal- Likert scale questions, cardinal and nominal questions. Along with that, I also decided to put two "qualitative" descriptive questions at the end of the survey. A descriptive analysis was conducted after calculation sample mean, median, standard deviation.
Analysis and Results
All the gathered data were presented in Pie chart and Histograms. And I tried to figure the link between the perception of the portal and the percentage (%) of co-op, internships and jobs they have landed via the portal.
Relationship between the perception of 'JobZone' portal & Jobs
Based on Table, we hypothesized that irrespective of the duration of time the students used Jobzone for, less than 25% of their co-ops were through Jobzone. However, on running a Chi- Square test we obtained a result of 0.27 which was significantly higher than our threshold of 0.05, indicating that there wasnt enough evidence to support our hypothesis.
Along with that, a major concern was the UI of the portal. People found various issues in the interface while using it on desktop or mobile screens.
"The user interface is really annoying; many parts of editing my profile are very unintuitive, for example, there are fields and dropdowns that don’t have a label and thus I don’t know what to select for them." - Online Participant